. . .
LP sold 4.5 million copies. No surprise that record executives have been more
impressed by Quiet Riot than anyone else: their debut cost only $30,000 to make.
Although more industry spokespeople quickly point out that the cost of the average
heavy metal record is closer to $125,000 (which usually includes a hefty percentage
to an experienced producer and engineer to maintain order in the studio and make
the product hit-tight), the potential profit margin is still great.
MTV had another, perhaps more disturbing, effect. "I think the androgynous
nature of so many of the 'new music' acts forced a polarization of sexuality that was
even more graphically brought into focus by the rise of MTV," explains Jerry Jaffe.
"So basically you had a much more macho image present in the music. Van Halen
is the ultimate fantasy for all these guys. Don't forget, most of this genre of music --
the way that it is programmed for radio and MTV, you have to understand, is the
lowest common denominator entertainment. It's bread and circuses for the common
people. Record companies are trying to make money. In the same way that Porky's
made money, a record company can make money on Mötley Crüe."
Hello Boston? Do you motherfuckers like to drink alcohol? Do you motherfuckers
like to eat pussy? Do you know why our fuckin' hearts are broken tonight, Boston?
Because we can't eat all that Boston pussy tonight. Hello Boston! Do you
motherfuckers like to drink alcohol? Do you motherfuckers like to eat pussy? Hello Boston!
Do you motherfu . . .
It's Tuesday maybe, but it's not Boston. It's somewhere in the flashfire warning
area way above Malibu, where a tape of a Mötley Crüe show has just blown out the
monitor system of a rustic studio tucked into the dry brush up in the hills. The
three-fourths of Mötley Crüe present are not really interested in mixing a performance
tape for an upcoming live broadcast. That's partly because the tape exposes
the bum notes and painful realities you don't hear on their brilliantly produced
second album, Shout at the Devil, or see in their impeccably directed videos, where
they're draped in $20,000 worth of studded leather costumes, several layers of elaborate
makeup, and hordes of hired women.
Bass player Nikki Sixx's day began at the Hyatt on Sunset with an oath never to
drink again, an Alka Seltzer, and a shot of Jack Daniel's. He keeps the Jack in his
black 1984 Stingray along with a hairbrush and a giant economy size can of Flex
Nikki and drummer Tommy Lee say they always like to keep their hair looking
cool and their Corvettes washed so they can get laid. Like last night. They weren't
actually planning to stay at the Hyatt, that's just the way things turned out. Back
in the old days, it used to be nicknamed the Riot House and lots of bands (who liked
to do the same shit the Crüe likes to do now) used to stay there. But these days,
most rock and rollers stay at the Marquis down farther on Sunset, where no one'd
blink if they say [sic] Nikki like he was last night on the little couch in front of the
elevator on their manager's floor sorta like a dead cockroach, with his feet up in the
air and Tommy yelling, "C'mon man, we're never gonna get laid if you keep lying
But, oh that was nothing compared to the time (where was it?) when guitarist
Mick Mars got arrested for indecent exposure, but it was really a case of mistaken
identity 'cause it was Tommy who was running down the hall in his party pants --
they're sorta like a leather G-string. He has 'em in leopard, too. Only the senile
security guard, the guy was like 70 years old, man, just saw bare cheeks and Revlon
Blue/Black hair and went into the men's room on the floor, and there was Mick,
just talkin' to a chick, man. And the next thing Mick knew he was in handcuffs,
going to spend the night in jail. He got bailed out, the hotel apologized, and all
charges were dropped. The thing was mishandled terribly, man.
But everyone in this band's been in jail a million times. It's a joke. Like the story
that got out about Vince beating up a girl on Halloween? That was no girl, that was
Tommy, man! Who remembers what it was about? You get a little liquor in you and
you throw a few punches and Tommy broke Vince's nose. And then the cops came
and beat up Vince so bad the faggots in the cell wouldn't even look at him.
Okay, so, yeah, well, last night. . . . Ever since he rolled some chick's 240Z off the
Ventura Freeway and practically killed himself (but so what? The band would've
been HUGE), his little sister Athena, her old boyfriend, and the chick who was
stupid enough to let him drive her car in the first place. Tommy's gotten a little
wiser about driving when he's twisted. Even if Traffic School and A.A., like they
made him go to, is a joke, man!
Anyway, lots of times Tommy just goes back to Nikki's place in Coldwater Canyon
and bones some chick on the living room floor. But last night when their manager
saw the condition they were in when they came back from the Seventh Veil, or
maybe it was the Bodyshop, with a couple of chicks who work there . . . see, well, . . .