. . .
is good and have a responsibility to society and children. And the National
PTA in the 1984 convention took this step because they were very concerned
on what their children were hearing on records and what they as a parent,
when they went to buy, had no way of knowing.
Senator RIEGLE. How do you envision, or how does the National PTA envision the best way if standards are going to be established. How would you see that done? Mrs. WATERMAN. Well, the industry is going to have to clean their own house, just to be very frank. We have asked for a voluntary panel of the music industry that they can choose their own people to set up their guidelines and their standards, and we would certainly work with them in any way that we could, and we hope that this is done. I think there has been some concern voiced here today. I listened very intently to the artists and to the PMRC and to everyone else that has testified, and there are obviously, and on this panel also, and there has been obvious concern as to what this hearing is all about. I think that we will come to a responsible solution to this. Senator RIEGLE. So the PTA is not suggesting any kind of a system as to how these ratings would be done, or what they would be or what would be included or left out, but rather, that you would like to see the recording industry and the artists sit down together and develop their own methodology? Is that the idea? You are not trying to put yourself in that standard-setting business? Mrs. WATERMAN. Senator, I think to answer your question completely, the resolution spoke very clearly to the rating, the label that should be violence or profanity or sex or occult or drugs. The knowing what is in the package was very important to the people of that convention of which there were thousands. Now, when you are saying adding, that we believe voluntarily, we are hoping that the music industry will set up this panel, will set up their guidelines and their standards, and that it will be pleasing to all of us who are concerned. Senator RIEGLE. My time has expired at this point, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Mrs. Waterman, for your testimony and for your patience in waiting so long. Mrs. WATERMAN. Thank you for the forum. |