Mr. SNIDER. No, it does not, because I know the reality of the
record-buying market as a record buyer. With my allowance, I was
able to, if I was lucky, afford maybe one album a week at the most.
Usually it was one a month. Albums cost anywhere from $6 to $10,
and that is a lot of money to a teenager, or to a pre-teenager it is a
ridiculous sum.
And to a teenage kid that is a considerable amount of money.
And so to listen to one record a week, I do not consider that a
Senator ROCKEFELLER. Might I ask just one final question, Mr.
The CHAIRMAN. Bearing in mind that it is 12:30 and we have a
lot of witnesses left, yes.
Senator ROCKEFELLER. I will bear that in mind and will not ask
the question.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Pressler.
Senator PRESSLER. Basically, I want to get down to your
recommendations in terms of governmental action, either by this
committee or by any Government body. You would recommend no
governmental action in this area?
Mr. SNIDER. Absolutely.
Senator PRESSLER. What about industry actions? Would you
recommend any type of voluntary labeling?
Mr. SNIDER. I do not feel that the industry -- it has been
expressed by many other people that each artist has an individual
agreement. One of the big things is artistic freedom in your
contract. I do not think the industry can pass a ruling on that.
Senator PRESSLER. And so your legislative recommendations,
would that apply just to -- not to broadcast? You would put
broadcast and things that are over the airwaves in a different category
than things people buy and show in their homes?
Mr. SNIDER. Well, I think we are talking about the purchase of
albums and the lyrical content on the albums. That is what I am
directing it to at this time.
Senator PRESSLER. So you would disagree with any action on
those albums, be they by private industry or Government, any type
of labeling?
Mr. SNIDER. If somebody would ask me what my opinion was, I
had said earlier that I did not think there would be a problem for a
parent to return an album they had taken home and found it
dissatisfactory. I would like to believe that, but some retail stores will
give you a hassle if you try to return an open album.
If you want a solution, maybe they could bring back -- in the
fifties, you could listen to an album in the store before you purchased
the album. Most record stores play the albums in the store, and
there is usually a stack of those albums opened already that, if you
want to go over and take a glance at the cover, which I have done
many times myself, you could go over and do that.
So if you want to take some sort of industry action, I would think
it would be to force the retail stores to allow people to return
product that they are not satisfied with: satisfaction guaranteed.
Senator PRESSLER. Thank you very much.
The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Snider, thank you very much.
Mr. SNIDER. Thank you for your time.
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