. . .
only sadomasochism, bondage, and rape in this song is in the mind
of Ms. Gore.
Accusation No. 2. The PMRC has made public a list of 15 of what
they feel are some of the most blatant songs lyrically. On this list
is our song "We're Not Gonna Take It," upon which has been
bestowed a "V" rating, indicating violent lyrical content.
You will note from the lyrics before you that there is absolutely
no violence of any type either sung about or implied anywhere in
the song. Now, it strikes me that the PMRC may have confused our
video presentation for this song with the song with the lyrics, with
the meaning of the lyrics.
It is no secret that the videos often depict story lines completely
unrelated to the lyrics of the song they accompany. The video
"We're Not Gonna Take It" was simply meant to be a cartoon with
human actors playing variations on the Roadrunner/Wile E.
Coyote theme, Each stunt was selected from my extensive personal
collection of cartoons.
You will note when you watch the entire video that after each
catastrophe our villain suffers through, in the next sequence he
reappears unharmed by any previous attack, no worse for the
By the way, I am very pleased to note that the United Way of
America has been granted a request to use portions of our "We're
Not Gonna Take It" video in a program they are producing on the
subject of the changing American family. They asked for it because
of its "light-hearted way of talking about communicating with
It is gratifying that an organization as respected as the United
Way of America appreciates where we are coming from. I have
included a copy of the United Way's request as part of my written
testimony. Thank you, United Way.
Accusation No. 3. Last Tuesday a public forum regarding the
lyric controversy was held in New York. Among the panelists was
Ms. Gore. Trying to stem the virtual tidal wave of antiratings
sentiment coming from the audience, Ms. Gore made the following
I agree this is a small percentage of all music, thank goodness. But it is becoming
more mainstream. You look at even the t-shirts that kids wear and you see Twisted
Sister and a woman in handcuffs sort of spread-eagled.
This is an outright lie. Not only have we never sold a shirt of
this type; we have always taken great pains to steer clear of sexism
in our merchandise, records, stage show, and personal lives.
Furthermore, we have always promoted the belief that rock and roll
should not be sexist, but should cater to males and females equally.
I feel that an accusation of this type is irresponsible, damaging
to our reputation, and slanderous. I defy Ms. Gore to produce such
a shirt to back up her claim. I am tired of running into kids on the
street who tell me that they cannot play our records any more
because of the misinformation their parents are being fed by the
PMRC on TV and in the newspapers.
These are the only three accusations I have come across. All
three are totally unfounded. Who knows what other false and
irresponsible things may have been said about me or my band.