. . . can come up with a voluntary guide system for parents who wish
to exercise what they believe to be their responsibilities to their
children, to try to prevent their children from being exposed to material
that is not appropriate for them.
The second thing I have learned over the past several months is that the
kind of material in question is really very different from the kind of
material which has caused similar controversies in past generations.
It really is very different, and I think those who have not become familiar
with this material will realize that fact when they see some of the examples
that involve extremely popular groups that get an awful lot of play, some of
the most popular groups around now.
I was interested when the hearing was first announced to have the opportunity
to ask the heads of the record companies whether or not they felt some
responsibility. I am told by staff that every single one of the chief
executive officers invited to participate chose to decline that invitation.
I fully understand that, but I wanted to note that fact for the record, and
I think that they should take a look at what their companies are doing and
just ask themselves as human beings whether or not this is the way they
want to spend their lives, if this is the way they want to earn a living, if
this is the kind of contribution they want to make to the society in which
we live.
No one is proposing or contemplating the government answering that question
for them, but as citizens of this country it seems to me we have the right to
ask them whether or not they wish to answer the question, and I hope that they
will. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Gore, thank you very much.
I want to point out that I have received a letter from Mr. Robert McConnell,
vice president of CBS, stating that CBS received the invitation to appear
here too late to prepare his testimony, that he is very interested in the
hearings, and would be willing to appear at some later time.
Senator Rockefeller.
Senator ROCKEFELLER. No statement, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Gorton.
Senator GORTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I am here to hear the witnesses, and I do not need to hold us off any
further by any opening statement.
The CHAIRMAN. The first witness is Senator Paula Hawkins, who
has joined us here at the committee dais. Senator Hawkins, we are
delighted to have you here.
Senator HAWKINS. I commend you, Mr. Chairman and the
committee, for holding this all important hearing. As chairman of the
Children, Family, Drugs, and Alcoholism Subcommittee, this is a
subject that I am very familiar with.
The wealth of a nation is measured by its children. We decided
as a committee in the last 18 months to hold hearings discussing
the role of the media in drug abuse and prevention and education.
. . .