. . .
also available to children, and the question that was
raised by my daughter was, well, does labeling not simply
underscore the problem and call attention to it so that the kids
are more likely to be paying attention to the words and, therefore,
be influenced by the words more than otherwise?
Dr. KING. I do not feel that would happen. The young people who
have serious drug problems are into the words. They specifically
listen through the music for the lyrics because the lyrics give
them the kinds of messages that they are looking for, rebellion,
hate, violence, sex, the types of testimony that we have heard
earlier. Those young people that do not listen for the lyrics
pretty much are into just the beat of the music, and they know that
some of the lyrics may be offensive, but they are not into it, so
they do not listen for it. They just stay with the beat of the
The CHAIRMAN. You are saying the negative effect would not apply
universally to everyone who heard the music, but it would apply to
those people particularly on drugs who were susceptible to it.
Dr. KING. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUESSY. Nevertheless, even though an individual is not
consciously absorbing the words, subconsciously they are being
heard and registered.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Gore.
Senator GORE. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to first say it is nice to have a fellow Tennessean
on the panel here. Dr. King practices in Memphis, and I am
delighted to hear your testimony, and yours, Dr. Stuessy.
In view of the lateness of the hour and the fact that we still
have a panel to go, please forgive me if I just have a brief
interchange with you.
lf I could summarize the two presentations I would say both of
you agree, based upon your experience, that there is a connection
between messages received through this kind of material and
behavior on the part of those who listen to it a lot or become
really wrapped up in it.
Is that a fair summary?
Dr. KING. Yes, that is a fair summary. That is what the patients
tell me.
Mr. STUESSY. That is exactly right. We could fill the room with
research studies to prove that.
Senator GORE. So there is not much disagreement about that
Mr. STUESSY. Not really.
Senator GORE. Well, I may submit some additional questions in
writing. It would not be onerous for you to resend in writing, if
you would be willing to do so. We may just do it that way and save
some time.
Thank you very much for your testimony.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you both very much.
Finally, we have a panel consisting of Mr. Eddie Fritts, president,
National Association of Broadcasters; Mr. William Steding,
executive vice president, Central Broadcasting Division, Bonneville
. . .